The history of the West End Seventh-day Adventist Church extends back to 1983 under the leadership of Conference President Elder Ralph B. Hairston. Over 35 years later, we continue to strive and do God’s work in the community and beyond. We invite everyone to join us in Sabbath worship, so if you are in the Atlanta area, please stop by and visit.
Hope to see you soon!
Everyone’s Welcome
We’re glad you’re considering a visit to West End Seventh-day Adventist Church. We would encourage you to get to know who we are and what we’re about by browsing through our website. We offer a wide variety of ministry opportunities for people of all ages, and there are plenty of ways for you and your family to get involved.

When We Meet
Sabbath Worship Service Time: 11:00 a.m.
We offer Sabbath School for all ages. Please see our newsletter for virtual options or join us Sabbath morning at 9:30 am for in-person classes.
You’ll hear worship music, both old and new, by our music team using modern instruments and technology. You may see people with their hands up or down, eyes open or closed, but worship at West End is all about honoring and giving praise to our Savior, Jesus Christ.
Of course, worship is more than just singing. We also worship God as we pray, fellowship, give, and listen to and apply God’s Word. We’re careful to preach the Scriptures verse-by-verse each Sabbath in a way that is faithful to the text and applicable to our lives.
Communion: First Sabbath of every quarter
Who We Are
We are followers of Jesus Christ who gather to WORSHIP our Savior, STUDY God’s Word, SERVE one another in love, and REACH out to those who don’t yet know Jesus.

What To Expect
If you’re new with us, we encourage you to visit our lobby on Sabbath mornings where you will find some of our people who will be happy to answer your questions and help you find your place.
Is West End affiliated with a denomination?West End SDA church is affiliated with the General Conference of Seventh-Day Adventists headquartered in Silver Spring, MD, and holds local membership in the South Atlantic Conference of Seventh-Day Adventists in Decatur, GA. The SDA church is a Protestant denomination, started in 1861, that believes in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, in the efficacious death of Jesus Christ, and His soon return, and in the infallible word of God. West End’s core mission is to be all God desires His people to be, a loving, forgiving, and accepting of all who desire to know Christ and Him crucified!
What are your COVID protocols?We are following the guidelines established by the CDC. We carefully clean surfaces and chairs between services, and we have placed many hand sanitizer stations throughout the building. Masks are optional.
For those who are not yet ready to gather in person, we livestream our services each Sabbath at 10:45 am. You can tune in here.
Will I be expected to give money when I come?We have several ways for you to become a financial partner of West End whether online, in person or via cash app. Your financial gifts are always appreciated!
West End believes in the biblical message “the Lord loves a CHEERFUL giver” (2 Corinthians 9:7). West End does not compel giving, West End encourages giving of not only your finances, which have been given us by God, but also in giving of your time in volunteering for the various ministry initiatives, your talents in building up the kingdom of God. |
If I like it here, how can I become a member?West End is a Seventh-day Adventist congregation and is an open and accepting fellowship of believers and seekers of God’s truth, who are striving to live out the gospel commission of Christ, to go into the world, to reach, to teach, and to baptize. To become a member of West End just send us a request with your contact information. We provide studies based on the Bible tailored to your needs and schedule. We believe in the biblical model of baptism, which is by immersion.
If you have been baptized by immersion and wish to join our congregation, we accept believers on profession of faith, which is an acceptance of God the Father, the Son Jesus Christ, and the ministration of the Holy Spirit, and the life, death and resurrection of Christ, whom we believe is the eternal Savior of the world
Can I watch your services online?Yes! We broadcast our Sabbath morning services at 10:45 am here on our website. You can also follow us on our YouTube channel ‘West End Seventh-day Adventist church Atlanta, Ga’ each Sabbath (Saturday) beginning at 10:45 am. You may also join us each Wednesday night for a journey through the Word beginning at 7 pm. West End encourages all our online guests and members to not only tune in but invite your family and friends to!
Do you have a ministry for children?Yes! West End has a vibrant children’s ministry designed with your precious one in mind. We also have a vibrant youth ministry for our tweens and teens. Additionally, we have a millennial Sabbath school online group that meets each Sabbath (Saturday) at 10 am. |

Have Questions?
Get in touch with us via our contact form below